• CELT International Teacher Development Courses

    CELT  is a TEFL training centre, dedicated to  the pursuit of excellence in foreign language education in the private and public sectors. We offer a variety of taught courses both in person and online as well and invite you to look at our main website here for more information about our programmes! 

Available courses

ELT Management 2025
Fully Online
The  course aims to provide educational management skills training for acting or prospective managers of foreign language institutions and preparation for Module 3 of the Cambridge Delta.
DELTA Modules 24-25
Fully Online
Resources and support for the Cambridge DELTA course delivered live on Zoom.  
Teaching Languages Online (TLO)
Fully Online

A course aiming to familiarize teachers starting to teach online with the necessary technical skills to support their pedagogical considerations and decisions. 

Delta Modules June 24
Fully Online
Resources and support for the Cambridge DELTA course delivered live on Zoom
This course is attended by candidates following all 3 modules as well as candidates attending Module 1 or Module 2 only. 
ELT Management
Fully Online
The  course aims to provide educational management skills training for acting or prospective managers of foreign language institutions and preparation for Module 3 of the Cambridge Delta.
Delta Modules Course 2023-24
Fully Online

Support, downloads, revision and Zoom session recordings for modules 1, 2 and 3 candidates 

Cambridge Delta Module 1 Exam Primer
Fully Online

A short online course to help you till your Module 1 exam - Each task is explained through a tutorial video and is followed by practice materials.

Fully Online

This course is included to replace work on the Cambridge platform in case of late set ups or in case there are technical issues and glitches with that LMS.